Award of Bid No. 25-18 in the Amount of $3,516,908.00, plus Applicable Gross Receipts Tax, to Rio Grand Landscapes, LLC for the Renovation of Athletic Fields Project and the Related Budget Revision No. 2025-20
Recommended Action
I move that Council approve Bid IFB No. 25-18 in the Amount of $3,516,908, plus Applicable Gross Receipts Tax, to Rio Grande Landscapes, LLC for the Renovation of Athletic Fields and I further authorize the County Manager to execute the annual Job Orders for the applicable project year in accordance with the terms and conditions detailed in IFB No. 25-18.
I further move that Council approve the related Budget Revision No. 2025-20 as summarized on Attachment C and the attachment be made a part of the minutes of this meeting.
County Manager's Recommendation
The County Manager recommends that Council approve the motion as presented.
As part of the Community Services Integrated Master Plan the existing athletic field playing surfaces need renovation. The first three fields were successfully renovated in the spring and summer of 2024. To ensure the successful growth of the turf during this project, a secondary water supply was necessary. The total cost for this backup supply, including GRT, is $334,431. This secondary source taps into a dormant potable water line, providing reliable backup. Additionally, the field leveling at Hope Field and Bomber Field resulted in a grade change, necessitating the reinstallation of the fence and the construction of small retaining walls to prevent erosion along the outfield fence line. The total cost for these upgrades, including GRT, amounts to $141,217.
Prior to this IFB, RFP24-75 was issued for the Artificial Turf Field Feasibility Study in the amount of $327,151 including GRT. This was projected as a project in the Ball Field Capital Improvement line item.
This Invitation for Bid (IFB) builds on the success of the initial project and provides a three-year project to renovate the playing surface of eleven fields over the next three years. Ariel views of the fields are shown in attachments A and B and are planned for renovation on the following schedule: Year 1-2025: Senior, Bun Ryan and Spirio Fields; Year 2-2026: X Lovato, Field 1, Field 2, Flint Field; Year 3-2027: Virchow Field, Field 3, Lou Caveglia Field, and Minor B Field. The project provides a framework that allows our local athletic teams the ability to practice and play throughout the renovation period. The major elements of this project are to remove existing turf, level while providing grade change needed for drainage, install new turf, adjust irrigation heads, and renovate the infield area.
The athletic fields have exceeded their lifespan with minimal capital investment.
On August 22, 2024, the County advertised a formal competitive solicitation for renovation of athletic fields through Invitation for Bid IFB No. 25-18. On September 13, 2024, two responsive bids were received and sent to the evaluation committee.
There was a $338,898.88 difference between the two bids. Based on Los Alamos County Procurement rules for an IFB, the lowest responsive bid must be awarded the contract. Therefore, the evaluation committee is required to recommend an award to Rio Grande Landscapes, LLC . The project total cost for all three years is $3,516,908 plus GRT.
Upon Council approval, the Notice of Award will be sent to the contractor on November 20, 2024, and the 2025 field work will begin on or before May 19, 2025. The contract provides similar language for the scheduled fields in 2026 and 2027 to commence work in May of each year. The contract includes a substantial completion date for Base Bid on August 31st and a final completion date of September 30th during each of the three years, 2025, 2026, and 2027. Each year is a separate job order to ensure the scheduled fields are managed and completed to County specifications within the project year.
A budget adjustment for the amounts approved for FY26 and FY27 is presented in order to issue the awarded 3-year contract and to cover the water project, retaining walls, fencing, and the Artificial Turf Feasibility Study. The future year’s amounts will be reduced in the general fund transfer for FY26 and FY27 to accommodate these projects.
Adjusting funds to FY25 for this three-year contract allows for reduced time and complexity involved in the procurement process, the possibility of a more favorable vendor price due to a secured three-year contract, and advanced scheduling for our athletic teams to enable them to effectively plan field usage during the construction period, minimizing disruptions.
Council could choose to not approve the agreement and postpone or cancel the project. County staff would then need to repackage the project into smaller, annual solicitations through Invitations for Bids that are constrained within each year's current CIP budget.
Fiscal and Staff Impact/Planned Item
The FY2025 adopted budget allocates $1,000,000 for the athletic field renovation project as part of the County's Capital Improvement Program (CIP). To establish a three-year agreement for this initiative, along with the other required projects mentioned earlier, an additional $4,000,000 will be needed from future fiscal year's CP7020 budget. This adjustment will also create a contingency of approximately $430,000 through FY27.
A- Aerial View of North Mesa Fields
B- Aerial View of White Rock Fields
C- Budget Revision 2025-20