Discussion and Possible Action on Purchase of Electric and Diesel Buses and Electric Chargers
Recommended Motion
I move that Council approve the purchase of two battery electric buses (BEB) from Gillig in an Amount Not to Exceed $2,500,200.00; one diesel bus from Gillig in an Amount Not to Exceed $ 625,748.00; and two electric bus chargers from Gillig in coordination with ChargePoint in an Amount Not to Exceed $429,200.00.
County Manager’s Recommendation
The County Manager recommends that Council approve the motion as presented.
The Battery Electric Buses (BEB) grant application was made available by the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) Transit and Rail Division on May 1, 2018, for an estimated amount of $1,859,370 to fund one fixed-route replacement vehicle and one expansion vehicle to support service with electric powered vehicles and the purchase of two plug-in charging stations. Los Alamos County was in the process of procuring an electric bus and unfortunately the vendor went out of business in FY24. Los Alamos County had to then follow the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) competitive process to search for a new vendor. Staff in coordination with NMDOT selected the Gillig bus manufacturer as the new vendor to purchase BEB buses through.
As a result of increases in market pricing from inflationary pressures, current equipment replacement costs exceed the original approved budget for these items. This price does not include GRT, which is not applicable as this is an equipment purchase by Los Alamos County. NMDOT amended the Capital award for FY25 for Los Alamos County and utilized the original requested capital allocating towards the BEB purchase; increasing the award $319,135.00 to fund one of the BEB’s with a new Capital Match of $ $232,488.00. An additional cost of $79,784.00 to Los Alamos County for local match. Atomic City Transit applied to the New Mexico Match Fund Program for assistance with the local match difference of $79,784.00. If awarded, there will be no additional cost to Los Alamos County for the purchase.
In FY24 Los Alamos County was awarded $643,641 to replace one bus that reached its useful life. Unfortunately, the vendor we received a budgetary quote from stopped production of buses and did not take our order. NMDOT amended our award extending one year through August 31, 2025, to be able to find another vendor and procure a bus. Gillig was selected as the new vendor. The Diesel Bus is a vital piece of equipment for the Transit Division and allows Los Alamos County to continue fixed route transit service in Los Alamos and White Rock; shuttle service from White Rock to Bandelier National Monument; and special event services within Los Alamos County.
This proposal also includes the purchase of two new bus electric chargers. This is only the equipment purchase and there will still be a installation component, which is still unknown at this time. Possible funding for installation might be residual grant funds and current Los Alamos County Sustainability funds, already approved by Council in the FY 25 budget.
Transit continues to explore EV and low emission vehicles for future purchases and is currently conducting an FTA required Zero Emission Transition Plan. An FTA mandate in 2022, for low and zero emission grant funding opportunities.
Fiscal and Staff Impact/Planned Item
Over the next 24 months, Transit will coordinate utility construction, charger infrastructure, and installation to prepare for the arrival of the BEB buses. Some costs could impact the County for the charger installation. Cost is based on an hourly rate. Currently, Transit is seeking a Labor Cost estimate for total cost of installation.
The production of the BEB buses is estimated at 24 months from the date of Purchase Order. The production of the Diesel bus is estimated at 12 months from the date of Purchase Order.
A - Battery Electric Buses (BEB) Quote
B - Diesel Bus Quote
C - Electric Bus Charger Quote
D - NM Matching Grant Contingent Award
E - 2024 Bus Purchase Breakdown
F - Los Alamos County Atomic City Transit Bus and Charger Purchase Presentation