Continuation of the Discussion and Possible Action of a Draft Wildlife Feeding Ordinance
Recommended Action
I move that Council direct the County Manager to implement the draft ordinance changes and return to Council with a revised ordinance prohibiting the feeding of wildlife in the County.
I move that Council consider additional input and analysis as specified [insert detail] before returning to Council with a revised ordinance prohibiting the feeding of wildlife in the County.
County Manager's Recommendation
The County Manager recommends that Council approve the motion requested.
On December 12, 2023, County Council discussed the draft Wildlife Feeding Ordinance and reviewed community feedback. County Council reviewed, discussed and approved the 2024 Wildlife Education Plan, in lieu of an ordinance, and requested an update one year following the approval and implementation.
On December 17, 2024, County Council passed a motion that directed the County Manager to return to Council with an ordinance prohibiting the feeding of wildlife in the County, with further consideration of how the local enforcement is coordinated with the New Mexico Game and Fish Department.
This item before Council, is the updated draft ordinance for further Council discussion and consideration. It has been revised to accommodate Council and public comments that have been received to date. If Council supports it, the ordinance will have to return to Council as an Introduction and Pubic Hearing.
Council could choose not to pursue a new ordinance consideration or direct the County Manager to gather further public input.
Fiscal and Staff Impact/Unplanned Item
Fiscal impacts have not been evaluated. The Public Information staff has spent four to six hours weekly this past year on this topic.
A - Revised Draft Wildlife Feeding Ordinance