Annual Asset Management Teams (AMT) Presentation
The Department of Public Utilities (DPU) held its Asset Management Governance Team Meeting on December 20, 2024. In this meeting each of the seven asset management teams (AMTs) present to the DPU management team a summary of ongoing issues, regulatory developments, market impacts, upcoming challenges, budget variances, upcoming capital budgets and upcoming operational budget highlights. This meeting kicks off the budget preparation process. This year staff will be presenting to BPU a one year budget for fiscal year 2026 in February and March. Attachment A is summary of the of the AMT's presentations. Staff will present a high level summary of the AMT presentations and how these recommendations will flow up into the budget process.
The seven asset management teams are:
Water Production/Non-Potable Water
Water Distribution
Electric Production
Electric Distribution
Wastewater Treatment
Wastewater Collection
Gas Distribution
A - 2024 Asset Management Team Presentation