Review and Possible Approval of Council's 2025 Strategic Leadership Plan
Recommended Action
I move that Council approve the updated Strategic Leadership Plan as presented;
I move that Council approve the updated Strategic Leadership Plan as amended at this meeting.
County Manager's Recommendation
The County Manager recommends that Council approve the 2025 Strategic Leadership Plan.
On November 15, 2024 the Council held a special "strategic planning and team building" session to discuss updating the Strategic Leadership Plan (SLP). At this session, Council, staff and the public discussed possible changes and updates to the SLP for 2025. In general, Council agreed to the same five goals and 22 priorities but with some modifications. Updates include renaming "Priorities" to "Objectives"; moving Educational, Cultural, and Historical Amenities to the Economic Vitality goal from the Quality of Life goal and adding "Arts" to the title due to the topic's impact on tourism; aligning the Environmental Sustainability priorities with the recently adopted Climate Action Plan and Department of Public Utilities goals; and tweaking some of the words to better communicate the goals.
The purpose of this item is to review the updated draft, consider any other possible changes, and consider approving the updated SLP either as presented or with additional edits.
The 2024 SLP was approved on November 14, 2023. As a next step, each priority will be assigned measurable objectives based on updated Management Action Plans (MAPs), adopted plans, and approved programs and projects. Updated MAPs will be included with the future Budget Guidance discussion Council agenda item - anticipated to be January 14, 2025 if it is agreeable to the new Council to suspending their procedural rules to include an action item on a work session meeting agenda.
Council could choose not to approve the SLP at this time and postpone to a later meeting.
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