Approval of Novation of Services Agreement No. AGR24-14-A1 with Brainier Solutions, Inc in the Amount of $942,250.00, plus Applicable Gross Receipts Tax, for the Purpose of transfer to ClearCompany LLC due to their acquisition of Brainier
Recommended Action
I move that Council approve Novation of Services Agreement No. AGR24-14-A1 transferring existing agreement to ClearCompany LLC. for a total not-to-exceed amount of $942,250.00, plus applicable gross receipts tax, for the purpose of an eLearning Management Software System.
County Manager's Recommendation
The County Manager recommends that Council approve the motion as presented.
The County issued a Request for Proposals No. RFP 24-24 on August 31, 2023, and Brainier Solutions, Inc submitted a response. The scope of services, deliverables and other specified contractual terms are detailed in Attachment B. The term of the agreement commenced February 28, 2024, and continues through February 27, 2039, unless terminated sooner. The County entered into Service Agreement No. AGR1024-24 with Brainier Solutions, Inc, dated February 28, 2024. On May 17, 2024, Brainier Solutions, Inc. was acquired by ClearCompany, LLC. This novation is intended to transfer the existing agreement to ClearCompany, LLC
Amendment AGR24-14-A1 is included as Attachment A. The original Agreement is included as Attachment B for reference.
Fiscal and Staff Impact/Planned Item
Funding for learning management software was included in the approved annual budget.
A - AGR24-14-A1 Brainier Novation to ClearCompany, LLC
B - AGR24-14 Brainier Solutions Inc.