Proclamation Designating November 2024 as National Native American Heritage Month in Los Alamos County (Accepted by Kim Engelking, Native American Cultural Club High School Sponsor, Student Representatives from the Native American Cultural Club, Julie Dare, Liaison for the Native American Students and Families, and Jovita Mowrer, Native American Student Support)
WHEREAS, November is annually celebrated as National Native American Heritage Month; and
WHEREAS, New Mexico is home to 24 sovereign Indigenous Nations, many of whose members live, work, and attend school within our community; and
WHEREAS, we honor and acknowledge this land was home to Ancestral Pueblo people, and respect the Indigenous Peoples of our region including the eight Northern Pueblos of San Ildefonso, Santa Clara, Taos, Ohkay Owingeh, Tesuque, Pojoaque, Nambe, Picuris, and those from the Jemez, Cochiti and Dineh, and those who continue to enrich our community with their cultural heritage, traditions, and knowledge; and
WHEREAS, the Indigenous Peoples have made, and continue to make, invaluable contributions to the growth and vitality of our region, the State of New Mexico, and the United States, and it is critically important that we recognize and celebrate their accomplishments; and
WHEREAS, we encourage our residents to support Native American-owned businesses, to celebrate Native American arts and cultural events, to engage with and learn from Native American traditions, and to foster a deeper appreciation of the contributions Native American individuals make to education, environmental stewardship, and the well-being of our community; and
WHEREAS, the Los Alamos Public Schools will also celebrate Native American contributions throughout the month with a variety of activities organized by the Los Alamos High School Native American Culture Club;
NOW, THEREFORE, on behalf of the Council of the Incorporated County of Los Alamos, I hereby designate the month of November 2024 as
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