Approval of Budget Revision No. 2025-31 for the DHSEM Grant for Water Production Generators
Recommended Action
I move that Council approve Budget Revision No. 2025-31 for the DHSEM Grant for Water Production Generators and include Attachment A in the minutes of this meeting.
Utilities Manager's Recommendation
The Utilities Manager recommends that Council approve the motion as presented.
Board, Commission or Committee Recommendation
The Board of Public Utilities approved this request at their regular meeting on January 15, 2025 and recommends that Council approve the budget revision as requested.
The purpose of this budget revision is to increase both the revenue and expenditure budget for the Department of Homeland Security (DHSEM)/FEMA grant awarded to Los Alamos County Emergency Management and the Department of Public Utilities for the purpose of purchasing two emergency generators for use at well sites around the County. The grant requires a 25% match.
If the budget revision is not approved, the grant will have to be rejected. BPU and County Council previously approved the submission of the grant application and acceptance of the grant award.
Fiscal and Staff Impact
The net fiscal impact to the Joint Utilities Fund is an increase in revenue of $290,607, expenditures of $387,476 and a decrease in fund balance by $96,869.
A - Budget Revision No. 2025-31