File #: 17837-23    Version: 1
Type: Briefing/Report (Dept,BCC) - Action Requested Status: Consent
File created: 9/25/2023 In control: County Council - Regular Session
On agenda: 11/14/2023 Final action:
Title: Approval of Purchase of an Aerial Bucket Truck and Budget Revision 2024-20 for a Transfer to the Fleet Fund in the Amount of $48,066 for the Aerial Bucket Truck
Presenters: Stephen Marez; Karen Kendall
Indexes (Council Goals): Quality Excellence - Infrastructure Asset Management, * 2022 Council Goal - Investing in Infrastructure, DPU FY2020 - 1.0 Provide Safe and Reliable Utility Services
Attachments: 1. A - Budget Revision 2024-20, 2. B - Sourcewell Quote 1338466
Related files: 17837-23a


Approval of Purchase of an Aerial Bucket Truck and Budget Revision 2024-20 for a Transfer to the Fleet Fund in the Amount of $48,066 for the Aerial Bucket Truck

Recommended Action

I move that Council approve the purchase of the Aerial Bucket Truck and Budget Revision 2024-20 as summarized on Attachment A and that the attachment be made part of the minutes of this meeting.

Utilities Managers Recommendation

The Utilities Manager recommends that Council approve budget revision 2024-20 and purchase of the aerial bucket truck as presented.

Board, Commission or Committee Recommendation

The BPU approved budget revision 2024-20 and purchase of the aerial bucket truck at their regular meeting of October 18, 2023 and recommends that Council approve as presented.


The Department of Public Utilities - Electric Distribution included the replacement of a bucket truck for unit 1094 in the FY2024 budget. However, the original quote of $330,000 ($290,000 from the Fleet budget and $40,000 from Electric Distribution) has increased to $378,066.  This requires a transfer from Electric Distribution to the Fleet Fund in the amount of $48,066 for the purchase of previously approved equipment (vehicle) to cover the escalated price costs.    


If Council does not approve the Budget Revision, the aerial bucket truck (unit 1094) will not be replaced as needed.

Fiscal and Staff Impact/Planned Item

Fiscal impact is summarized in the attached budget revision.


A - Budget Revision 2024-20

B - Sourcewell Quote 1338466