Approval of Budget Revision 2025-33 to Close Funds 193 (Other Declarations) and 194 (Covid19)
Recommended Action
I move that Council approve Budget Revision 2025-33 to close out funds 193 (Other Declarations) and 194 (Covid19) and include Attachment A as part of the minutes of this meeting.
County Manager's Recommendation
The County Manager recommends that Council approves budget revision 2025-23 as requested.
The purpose of this budget adjustment is to close out funds 193 and 194 in the amounts of $251,620 and $223,975 respectively. Fund 193 was used to fund assistance for the Cerro Pelado Fire and Fund 194 was used for COVID-19 assistance funding. Both were initially funded through a General Fund transfer and eventually through grant funding. These amounts are residual from the General Funding portion and will be returned to that fund.
Council could choose not to approve some or all of the attached budget adjustment. The impact would be that these funds would remain with balances that could not be utilized.
Fiscal and Staff Impact/Planned Item
The fiscal impact is detailed in Attachment A.
A - Budget Revision 2025-33