Approval of Budget Revision 2024-30 for Routine and Recurring Grant Agreements from Various State of New Mexico Departments and a Library Donation Budget Adjustment
Recommended Action
I move that Council approve Budget Revision 2024-30 as summarized on Attachment A and that the attachments be made part of the minutes of this meeting.
County Manager's Recommendation
The County Manager recommends that Council approve Budget Revision 2024-30 as requested.
The following Grants were received and are listed below. This budget revision will allow for spending authority for the associated departments.
CYFD Grant- Social Services $ 49,541
DOH Grant- Social Services $ 15,333
DOH Grant-Social Services $165,000
DOT Grant-Public Works $113,741
EMPG Grant- Emergency Management $ 8,897
VOCA/VOWA Grant- Emergency Management $ 14,324
SHSGP- LAPD $ 95,500
E911 Grant- Dispatch $166,847
The following are adjustments to the current budget:
Rose Street Project- Correction to current approved amount, revenue grant was inadvertently added to the expenditure line $155,520
CSD/Library- Donation received $ 30,000
Council could choose not to approve Budget Revision 2024-30, projects and initiatives tied to the grant funding would not be in alignment to grant awards.
Fiscal and Staff Impact/Planned Item
Financial impact is summarized in the attached budget revision and grant summary
A - Budget Revision 2024-30