LANL Transit Implementation Study
Presentation by Suzie Birdsell-Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates and Jay Faught-LANL.
Nelson\Nygaard has been working with LANL, ACT, NCRTD, and NMDOT since 2020 to address alternative transportation options for the growing work force at the Laboratory.
The proposed plan is designed to ultimately facilitate approximately 4,500 LANL employees commuting to and from the Laboratory on either public transit or LANL run shuttles by 2028.
Los Alamos National Laboratory’s (LANL’s) mission expansion is expected to increase the workforce population (badge holders) to more than 18,000 by 2028. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, traffic congestion was notable and was impeding commuting workers in the forms of traffic congestion, travel delay, inconvenience, frustration, and time lost hunting for parking near an office location or programmatic operation. The Laboratory transportation strategy is moving toward transit-based commuting and not status quo expansion of onsite parking and roadways to serve this growing workforce. The study addresses a multi-faceted transit and transportation solution.
This presentation presents the draft recommendations for the LANL Transit Implementation Plan which focuses on full implementation in 2028 including increasing ridership on existing public transit services and building up an extensive regional network of LANL-run shuttles.
A - Presentation to Los Alamos County