Approval of Task Order No. 3 under Services Agreement No. AGR 23-52d with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc in the Amount of $371,457.41 plus Applicable Gross Receipts Tax for the Los Alamos County Fleet Conversion Plan and Community Wide EV Charging Infrastructure Plan, Establish a Project Budget in the Amount of $400,000
Recommended Motion
I move that Council approve Task Order No. 3 under Services Agreement No. AGR 23-52d with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc in the amount of $371,457.41 plus applicable Gross Receipts Tax for the Los Alamos County Fleet Conversion Plan and Community Wide EV Charging Infrastructure Plan, and establish a project budget in the amount of $400.000.
County Manager's Recommendation
The County Manager recommends that Council approve the motion as presented.
In FY2025 budget process, Los Alamos County Council approved a budget option in the amount of $400,000 to develop an electric vehicle charging infrastructure plan encompassing design and deployment and fleet conversion. Once awarded the project timeline spans over a one (1) year timeline. Key outcomes of the study will include: 1) A detailed plan outlining the transition of the County's fleet to zero emission vehicles, including vehicle replacement schedules, performance modeling and necessary electrical infrastructure upgrades, 2) Recommendations on future electrical vehicle charging stations, including energy and power requirements to understand future grid needs, 3) Community engagement opportunities to address concerns, identify priorities, and ensure equitable access to EV infrastructure, and will integrate feedback into the plan and 4) A financial analysis that will provide costs and return on investment. See attached Task Order details and Project Proposal.
Council could choose to not approve the agreement and postpone or cancel the project.
Fiscal and Staff Impact/Planned Item
The FY2025 adopted budget includes $400,000 allocated for this ...
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