Approval of Task Order No. 4 to AGR20-48b with CDM Smith for Engineering and Construction Oversight Services for the Pajarito Road / TA-50 Waterline Replacement Project, and Approval of Budget Revision 2022-46.
Recommended Action
I move that the Board of Public Utilities Approve Task Order No. 4 to AGR20-48b with CDM Smith for Engineering and Construction Oversight Services for the Pajarito Road / TA-50 Waterline Replacement Project in the Amount of $321,631.47, which includes Gross Receipts Tax, and a Contingency in the amount of $58,322.53, for a Total Project Budget of $379,954, and forward to Council for approval.
I further move that the Board of Public Utilities Approve Budget Revision 2022-46 and forward to Council for approval, and that Budget Revision 2022-46 be included in the meeting minutes for the record.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends that the Board approve as presented.
The Department of Energy (DOE) has requested DPU relocate an existing County owned 16” water transmission line to facilitate construction of planned facilities. The waterline is located along Pajarito Road in Tech Area 50. Approximately 2,000 feet of existing 16" waterline will be relocated into the Pajarito Road corridor and the existing waterline will be abandoned in place. The design and construction costs to relocate the waterline will be paid for by the DOE, per the provisions in the current water sales agreement between the County and DOE. Consistent with the agreement, these costs for design and construction oversight have been reviewed and accepted by the DOE. The work will be designed in the spring of 2022 and constructed over the fall and winter of 2022. CDM Smith will provide full-time construction inspection on the project to facilitate permitting, traffic control, access coordination and LANL utility coordination since the work will take place in a busy mission critical area of LANL. Construction is scheduled to begin in September 2022 ...
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