Approval of Budget Revision 2025-27 for Additional Funding for IPRA Support
Recommended Action
I move that Council approve Budget Revision 2025-27 for Additional Funding for IPRA in the amount of $442,640 and include Attachment A as part of minutes of this meeting.
County Manager's Recommendation
The County Manager recommends that Council approves budget revision 2025-27 as requested.
Additional funding for the LSP Data contract which provides additional Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) request support is needed. The contract amendment was approved on November 19th 2024. IPRA requests have increased over the anticipated budgeted amount. In order to keep up with the demand, the above amount is requested for approval.
Council could choose not to approve some or all of the attached budget adjustment. The impact would be that related projects or programs may not occur or existing operations may be negatively impacted.
Fiscal and Staff Impact/Planned Item
The fiscal impact is detailed in Attachment A.
A - Budget Revision 2025-27