Approval of Submission of an Application to the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) Hazard Mitigation Grant for Emergency Generators
Recommended Action
I move that Council approve the submission of an application to the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) for emergency generators in an amount not to exceed $388,000 and authorize the Utilities Manager to sign the application.
Utilities Manager's Recommendation
The Utilities Manager recommends that Council approve the motion as presented.
Board, Commission or Committee Recommendation
The Board of Public Utilities approved recommending this request at their regular meeting on October 23, 2024 and recommends that Council approve the motion as presented.
Los Alamos County Emergency Management and DPU-Water Production Division are preparing a grant application through New Mexico DHSEM to use FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funds to purchase a backup portable generator for the County’s water production and distribution system. The generator will serve a critical function by ensuring continued water supply during emergency events, particularly in wildfire-prone conditions, such as those experienced during the Cerro Pelado Fire.
The Guaje Canyon Water Production Train includes one municipal water well, a booster station, and a chlorine disinfection and injection system, which supply water to the community. During prolonged power outages, such as those caused by wildfires, the system is vulnerable. Without a generator, the ability to maintain water pressure and supply is compromised, endangering both life and property.
The Guaje Canyon water production system is fed from a single distribution power supply line that consists of a load break switch and connection point for an emergency external power supply source - it is already configured to accept power from a large generator. This system was installed and has been tested wit...
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