Award of Bid No. IFB 25-21 for the Purpose of Los Alamos WWTP Belt Press Replacement Project with Meridian Contracting, Inc.
Recommended Action
I move that the Board of Public Utilities approve the Award of IFB 25-21 for the Purpose of Los Alamos WWTP Belt Press Replacement Project with Meridian Contracting, Inc., in the Amount of $2,425,969.00 and a contingency in the amount of $242,597.00, for a total of $2,668,566.00, plus Applicable Gross Receipts Tax.
I further move that the Board of Public Utilities approve Budget Revision 2025-30 in the amount of $595,033.00 and include Budget Revision 2025-30 in the minutes, and forward to Council for approval.
Utilities Manager's Recommendation
The Utilities Manager recommends that the Board approve as presented.
The existing belt press at the Los Alamos Wastewater Treatment Plant is approaching the end of it's service life. The existing belt press is a complex mechanical press that was installed in 2004 when the plant was constructed. These sludge handling components are exposed to a harsh corrosive environment and are experiencing an increasing amount of failures due to the deteriorating condition. The existing belt press, polymer feed system and sludge pumps will be replaced with the project. These improvements will reliably dewater the sludge produced by the plant for the next 20 years. Three bids were received for the project and ranged from $2,425,969 to $3,544,535.
If the project is not awarded, staff will continue to budget and pursue the new sludge de-watering equipment due to the deteriorating condition of the existing equipment and high consequences if the equipment fails.
Fiscal and Staff Impact/Planned Item
The project will be funded by Wastewater capital funds. $2,262,000.00 is available in approved FY 2025 capital finds as follows:
Aeration Basin Cracks $ 180,000
Pueblo Sewer Drop $ 850,000 carried over from FY2024)
Belt Press $ 447,000 carried over from ...
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