Presentation of the 2025 Energy Coordination Agreement
This presentation will provide a high-level overview of the purpose, functions, stakeholders, resources and invoicing operations that Los Alamos County (LAC) and the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) perform through the Electric Coordination agreement. Deputy Utility Manager's Ben Olbrich (Power Supply) and Karen Kendall (Finance & Administration) will present.
Since 1985 Los Alamos County and the DOE/NNSA have been parties to the Electric Coordination Agreement (ECA), a contract for the mutually beneficial management of electric resources. The current ECA expires on June 30, 2025, so both parties have been preparing a new ECA to take effect on July 1, 2025 for a ten-year term. The new ECA is currently going through a DOE/NNSA review process.
The ECA provides opportunities for controlling future power costs and achieving shared carbon-free electric generation resource goals. It allows LAC and DOE/NNSA to serve their combined total electric load, enabling procurement of larger generation projects with improved economy of scale, the pursuit of more varied power contracting opportunities, and the spreading of risks, benefits and expenses of ownership and operation of electric resources. As an example, LAC's past development of the Abiquiu and El Vado hydroelectric facilities and the recent signing of the Foxtail Flats PPA for carbon-free photovoltaic energy would not have been possible without the ECA.
Both LAC and DOE/NNSA have benefited over the past nearly 40 years that the ECA has been in effect. The 2025 ECA will position both parties for a carbon-neutral future.
A - 2025 ECA Presentation by B.Olbrich & K.Kendall