Incorporated County of Los Alamos Code Ordinance No.02-322, Ordinance Adding, Amending, and Deleting Certain Sections of Chapter 22, Article II.
Recommended Action
I move that Council adopt Incorporated County of Los Alamos Code Ordinance No. 02-322; and ask staff to assure that it is published in summary form.
County Manager's Recommendation
The County Manager recommends that Council adopt Incorporated County of Los Alamos Code Ordinance No. 02-322
On May 25, 2021 Los Alamos County Council approved Code Ordinance No. 02-313, an ordinance of the Incorporated County of Los Alamos, New Mexico, adding, amending, and deleting certain sections of Chapter 22, Articles II, III, and IV. The adoption of this code assists the Fire Marshal's office in evaluating for the minimum requirements of fire and life safety considering today's demands and allows for congruent messaging to our customers between the building and fire codes. This adoption also broadcasts that Los Alamos County leads the way in the State, as far as fire safety, by adopting the latest edition of the code to address today's world.
To utilize the Ordinance as accepted on May 25, 2021, without amended content.
A - Notice of Publication
B - Incorporated County of Los Alamos Code Ordinance No. 02-322