Award of Bid No. IFB 24-24 for the Purpose of Bayo Lift Station Elimination Project with DUB-L-EE, LLC and Approval of Budget Revision 2024-33
Recommended Action
I move that Council approve the Award of Bid No. IFB 24-24 for the Purpose of Bayo Lift Station Elimination Project with DUB-L-EE, LLC. in the Amount of $2,181,108.53 and a contingency in the amount of $317,044.42, for a total of $2,498,152.95, plus Applicable Gross Receipts Tax. I further move that the Board of Public Utilities approve Budget Revision 2024-33 and incorporate the Budget Revision into the minutes for the record.
Utilities Managers Recommendation
The Utilities Manager recommends that Council approve the motion as presented.
Board, Commission or Committee Recommendation
The Board of Public Utilities approved this request at their regular meeting of December 6, 2023 and recommends that Council approve the motion as presented.
The Bayo Lift Station pumps sewage from all of Barranca Mesa to the Los Alamos Wastewater Treatment Plant. This represents approximately 20% of the sewage treated at the Los Alamos Wastewater Treatment Plant. The lift station is due for some major upgrades and rather than reinvest in the lift station, a gravity sewer line will be constructed to replace the lift station. The gravity sewer line will eliminate the cost of pumping the sewage and eliminate the risk of a significant sewage spill if the lift station failed. The
project was bid in June 2023 and the bids were extremely high. After a value engineering the project, the scope was reduced and the project was bid again in October and the bids came in $763,000 lower.
If the project is not awarded staff will continue to pursue the lift station elimination rather than refurbish the existing lift station. Investing in the lift station elimination is prudent because the cost to replace a large lift station every 15 to 20 years will cost the utility more over the...
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