Approval of Services Agreement No. AGR24-17 with The Master's Touch in the amount of $630,000, plus Applicable Gross Receipts Tax, for the Purpose of Utility Bill Printing Services
Recommended Action
I move that Council approve Services Agreement No. AGR24-17 with Master's Touch in the amount of $630,000 plus applicable gross receipts tax, for the purpose of utility bill printing and bill insert services.
Utilities Manager's Recommendation
The Utilities Manager recommends that Council approve the motion as presented.
Board, Commission or Committee Recommendation
The Board of Public Utilities approved this request at their regular meeting of December 7, 2023 and recommends that Council approve the motion as presented.
This service agreement provides bill printing and bill insert services. Bills and inserts are produced in house and sent to a bill printing service provider for envelope stuffing and mailing. This contract is for a seven year period with services to start December 13, 2023.
If the contract is not approved, bill printing and inserting would have to be done in-house.
Fiscal and Staff Impact
The cost of this service is already included in the FY2024 adopted budget.
A - AGR24-17 The Masters Touch