Award of Bid No. 24-10 in the Amount of $3,091,809.00 plus Applicable Gross Receipts Tax to TLC Plumbing & Utility for Construction of Rose Street Improvements Project; Establish a Project Budget in the Amount of $4,043,458.00 for Roadway and Utility Work
Recommended Motion
I move that Council award Bid No. 24-10 in the amount of $3,091,809.00 plus applicable gross receipts tax to TLC Plumbing & Utility for construction of Rose Street Improvements Project and establish a project budget in the amount of $4,043,458.00 for roadway and utility work summarized in the attachment and the attachment be made part of the minutes of the meeting.
Board, Commission or Committee Recommendation
The Utilities portion of the bid was approved by the Board of Public Utilities on October 18, 2023 and recommends forwarding the project to Council for approval. A copy of the Board’s agenda documentation is attached for reference (Attachment A)
County Manager's Recommendation
The County Manager recommends that Council approve the motion as presented.
On August 24, 2023, the County advertised a formal competitive solicitation for project construction through Invitation to Bid No. 24-10. Two (2) responses were received on September 19, 2023, and the evaluation committee is recommending award to the bid provided by TLC Plumbing & Utility. The other bid was non responsive.
Roadway work will include full reconstruction including drainage and ADA safety improvements of Rose Street between Central Avenue and Peach Street. The scope of work includes removal of existing asphalt surface and base course and replacement with new base course with geogrid and new 4-inch asphalt surface, curb and gutter, drainage inlets, sidewalk, ADA ramps with detectable warning surfaces, drive pads, utility valve adjustments, and sewer manhole cover adjustments, and striping. (Roadway Reconstruction: Approx 1,950 feet in length and varies between 21 feet to 42 feet wide)
Utility work will inc...
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