*This item was approved for reconsideration by action taken at October 28, 2014 meeting.*
Reconsideration Of Contract For General Services, Agreement No. AGR15-4159 With Atlas Advertising, LLC In The Amount Of $25,000.00 For Brand Logo Design Services, $25,000.00 For Brand Implementation Plan Services And, Subject To Future County Council Approval, $175,000.00 For Brand Execution Services For A Possible Total Of $225,000.00 plus Applicable Gross Receipts Tax.
Prior Action
I move that Council Approve Contract for General Services, Agreement No. AGR15-4159 with Atlas Advertising, LLC in the amount of $25,000.00 for brand logo design services, $25,000.00 for brand implementation plan services and, subject to future County Council approval, $175,000.00 for brand execution services for a possible total of $225,000.00 plus applicable gross receipts tax.
Board, Commission or Committee Recommendation
The Lodgers' Tax Advisory Board voted to support this agreement and the creation and implementation of a brand for the Los Alamos County community.
During the summer of 2005, the Los Alamos Chamber of Commerce held a community contest designed to develop a theme that would communicate the pride the community wanted to reflect about how it viewed itself. The contest yielded ~330 entries and a screening committee selected the winning theme "Los Alamos, Where Discoveries Are Made". On August 30, 2005, the County Council unanimously adopted "Los Alamos…Where Discoveries Are Made" as the new community theme and authorized the placement of this theme on community promotional materials developed by County staff (excluding tourism promotional materials pending completion of strategic marketing plan) and downtown banners per the County Administrator's discretion. Since that time, the community theme has been placed on landscaping (rocks at the entrance of town), as well as County websites and marketing materials.
Since Council's acceptance of the Economic Vitality St...
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