Board/Commission Appointment- Transportation Board
Recommended Action
I nominate Karen Edwards and move that Council appoint her to fill one (1) vacancy on the Transportation Board for a term beginning on March 1, 2023 and ending on February 28, 2025.
This seven-member board has staggered two-year terms beginning March 1 and ending February 28. The current Transportation Board Member Roster is shown on Attachment A. There are currently two vacancies.
Party affiliations are noted as [D] Democrat, [R] Republican, [I] Independent, [G] Green, [L] Libertarian, [DTS] Declined to State, and [N] Not Registered to Vote. The nominees party affiliation has been verified with the Clerk's Office. Appointing the nominee will not violate the County Charter restriction concerning political party majorities on Boards and Commissions.
Karen Edwards was interviewed by an interview committee on August 21, 2023. The interview committee recommends appointing Karen Edwards [R].
The interview committee consisted of the following:
Council Liaison: Keith Lepsch
Board Chair: Matt Heavner
Public Works Director: Juan Rael
A - Transportation Board Member Roster
B - Application and Interview Packet for Karen Edwards
C - Interview Panel Recommendations