File #: AGR1088-25a    Version: 1
Type: General Services Agreement Status: Consent
File created: 11/20/2024 In control: Board of Public Utilities
On agenda: 1/15/2024 Final action:
Title: Approval of Services Agreement No. AGR 25-16a with Instrumentation and Control (IC) Solutions, LLC, for the Purpose of Furnishing Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) for the Water Production Supervisory Controls and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Replacement Project.
Presenters: James Alarid
Indexes (Council Goals): Quality Excellence - Effective, Efficient, and Reliable Services, DPU FY26 - 1.0 Provide Safe and Reliable Utility Services
Attachments: 1. A - AGR25-16a_IC Solutions LLC
Related files: AGR1088-25, AGR1093-25a


Approval of Services Agreement No. AGR 25-16a with Instrumentation and Control (IC) Solutions, LLC, for the Purpose of Furnishing Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) for the Water Production Supervisory Controls and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Replacement Project.

Recommended Action

I move that the Board of Public Utilities recommend Services Agreement No. AGR 25-16a with IC Solutions, LLC, for the Purpose of Furnishing PLCs for the Water Production SCADA Replacement Project in the amount of $950,000 plus applicable gross receipts tax, and forward to Council for approval.

Utilities Manager's Recommendation

The Utilities Manager recommends that the Board approve the motion as presented.


The DPU has initiated the project to replace the water production SCADA system that has been in place for 30 years. The project will replace the existing proprietary radio transmitter units at the water wells, tanks and booster stations with new programmable logic controllers (PLCs).  The services in this agreement are to fabricate, test and install 26 PLCs in the first two years as part of the system replacement.  The agreement is for seven years with the majority of support provided in the first two years as the system is replaced.  The remaining 5 years are for support on an as needed basis.    


If the agreement is not approved, then the project will be delayed until the services can be secured.

Fiscal and Staff Impact

The first two years of the project will be funded by Drinking Water State Revolving Loan 6368 in the amount not to exceed $700,000.00.  The balance of the services in years 3 through 7 will be funded by operating funds allocated in the respective annual budget.  


A - AGR25-16a_IC Solutions LLC