Meeting Name: Los Alamos County DWI Planning Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/12/2024 8:30 AM  
Meeting location: Municipal Court, Hearing Room
Members of the public wishing to attend and /or provide public comment can do so via Zoom or by calling the conference call lines in the agenda.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Attachments: Agenda Packet
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleVideo
19466-24 1ABriefing/Report (Dept,BCC) - Action RequestedApproval of Minutes from the DWI Planning Council Meeting on November 14, 2024. Not available
19467-24 1BBriefing/Report (Dept,BCC) - Action RequestedApproval of the 2025 Meeting Dates. Not available
19468-24 1ABriefing/Report (Dept, BCC) - No action requestedDWI Prevention Efforts- Kristine Coblentz, Rachel Mohr-Richards, & Sara Martinez Not available
19469-24 1BBriefing/Report (Dept, BCC) - No action requestedDWI Treatment - Jordan Redmond and Adrianna Delvo Not available
19470-24 1CBriefing/Report (Dept, BCC) - No action requestedDWI Law Enforcement and Compliance Numbers - Jaime Gonzales & Monica Schwiner Not available
19471-24 1DBriefing/Report (Dept, BCC) - No action requestedLos Alamos National Labs Update - Lauren Smith Not available
19472-24 1EBriefing/Report (Dept, BCC) - No action requestedChairman's Report Not available
19473-24 1FBriefing/Report (Dept, BCC) - No action requestedStaff Report - Sara Martinez Not available
19474-24 1GBriefing/Report (Dept, BCC) - No action requestedSober Activities Sub-Committee - Juanita McNiel, Jordan Redmond, Rachel Mohr-Richards, Lauren Smith, and Judy Lovejoy Not available
19475-24 1HBriefing/Report (Dept, BCC) - No action requestedBoard Roundtable Not available