File #: AGR1077-24a    Version: 1
Type: General Services Agreement Status: Business
File created: 10/23/2024 In control: Board of Public Utilities
On agenda: 12/4/2024 Final action: 12/4/2024
Title: Approval of Services Agreement No. AGR 25-13 with Renewance, Inc. in the amount of $945,240.00, a Contingency in the Amount of $50,000.00 and Applicable GRT, for the Purpose of Removal and Proper Disposition of One (1) NGK One (1) megawatt, Six (6) megawatt-hour Sodium Sulfur Battery System at the Los Alamos County Eco Station
Presenters: Ben Olbrich
Indexes (Council Goals): Environmental Stewardship - Waste Management, DPU FY26 - 5.0 Continuously, Conscientiously, Work Toward Environmental Sustainability
Attachments: 1. A - AGR 25-13, 2. B - 2025-10 Budget Revision
Related files: AGR1077-24

Approval of Services Agreement No. AGR 25-13 with Renewance, Inc. in the amount of $945,240.00, a Contingency in the Amount of $50,000.00 and Applicable GRT, for the Purpose of Removal and Proper Disposition of One (1) NGK One (1) megawatt, Six (6) megawatt-hour Sodium Sulfur Battery System at the Los Alamos County Eco Station

Recommended Action

I move that the Board of Public Utilities recommend Services Agreement No. AGR 25-13 with Renewance, Inc. in the amount of $945,240.00 and a contingency in the amount of $50,000.00 for a total of $995,240.00, plus applicable gross receipts tax, for the purpose of removal and proper disposition of one (1) NGK one (1) megawatt, six (6) megawatt-hour sodium sulfur battery system at the Los Alamos County Eco Station, and forward to Council for approval, subject to County Attorney's final review.

I further move that the Board of Public Utilities recommend Budget Revision 2025-10 in the amount of $316,000 and include the attached budget revision in the minutes for the record, and forward to Council for approval.

Utilities Manager's Recommendation

The Utilities Manager recommends that the Board approve the motion as presented.


DPU's NGK sodium sulfur battery has reached the end of its useful operational life and will be disposed of under agreement AGR25-13 with the Renewance, Inc., the selected offeror determined through an open competitive Request for Proposals process under which two proposals were evaluated. The fiscal year 2025 Electric Production budget includes $750,000.00 for the sodium sulfur battery removal. Budget Revision 2025-10 increases this amount by $316,00.00 for a total of $1,066,000.00 including contingency and GRT. The agreement includes a lower-cost option for recycling in Japan at a lower cost of $586,569.00 plus the $50,000.00 contingency and applicable GRT. Due to schedule risk of the lower-cost option, which may exceed the term of the current Electric Coordination Agreeme...

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